Life drawing

Here are a few pictures made with my Sunday Life Drawing group over the past few months. Quick charcoal drawings (and a little oil sketch) of three to twenty minutes of Gaia, Des, Sofia and Lila - not made with any intention of creating finished works, but more for the essential exercise of working from life and trying to capture something of the model and their pose.


(As an aside, there's something fundamental about working directly from the figure, I feel, and something irreducible about drawing in charcoal.  I love the connection that charcoal gives us to artists throughout history - through modern art, the Renaissance and antiquity, back to the earliest human communities. I find that to be inspiring, and somehow reassuring. I also like the mess I invariably make with it).   


The sessions run fortnightly at my studio in Barry, and are open to all. If you're interested in joining us, do drop me a line, or see Facebook page Sunday Life Drawing or Ticket Tailor for further information.


I have a couple of new models lined up for 2025, and am also thinking about setting up more portraiture sessions - either ad doc, or as a regular event. Again, if interested, let me know.

January 14, 2025
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