Back in the dance studio

Great to be back with Ballet Cymru in Newport as they work on their new programme for 2017, including productions of A Midsummer Night’s Dream and The Light Princess – the latter being the company’s original adaptation of George MacDonald’s 19th century fairy tale, scored by Catrin Finch.


It’s fascinating to see the creative process of dancers and directors experimenting and playing out ideas in the development of new choreography – which, in the case of The Light Princess, is largely informed by the principle character being literally weightless throughout much of the story. Very excited to see this extraordinary piece evolve, and inspired by the energy and inventiveness of everyone involved. It’s looking wonderful.


At the moment my plan is to focus on making small, fairly rapid charcoal drawings on cardboard – primarily looking to capture simple shapes and movement – though I shall probably return to oil painting over the coming month or so.


The shows open in May – The Light Princess on the 19th at the Riverfront, Newport, and A Midsummer Night’s Dream on the 24th at the Blackwood Miners’ Institute. For further UK tour dates, please see here.


April 16, 2017
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