Freehaus exhibition and Llawn Festival

Here’s Angharad Harrop in situ, once again cooly letting gravity know who’s boss.


Being involved in Culture Action Llandudno’s Freehaus project has been extraordinary – collaborating with an inspiring and enthusiastic model, working far away from my usual studio for short, intensive bursts of activity, and experimenting with new techniques and ideas about painting. In addition it’s been great to meet other artists working across a range of unfamiliar disciplines, and to spend time with local people during the art school programme – particularly the figure drawing workshop I ran with Angharad and Deborah, which was great fun, and produced some lovely work.


The Freehaus exhibition will feature pieces by all ten resident artists, and open on September 23rd as part of Llandudno’s Llawn Festival – a weekend of music, theatre, film, friendly robots, story-telling, games, dance, puppets, art exhibitions, workshops, and a pop-up cinema on the prom. Please see the LLawn website for the full programme. Everything’s free. It’ll be a hoot.


Big thanks to everyone involved.

September 16, 2016
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